We provide comprehensive design, implementation and administration services. Our service is “high tech/high touch,” where clients can access their account data 24/7 online, or communicate with a member of our client services during normal business hours.
Our service integrates easily with the Fund administrator and auditor. Optlink®, our proprietary Web-based system automates FAR® administration and recordkeeping. These services include (i) daily valuation, and accounting of Common Share and FAR® values, issuances, grants, redeemability, exercisability, vesting, redemptions, exercises, conversions from Performance FAR®s to Crystallized FAR®s at the end of Performance Periods, and Back-to-Back Manager Plan benefit payments, (ii) accounting for the benefits the Manager provides to its traders, portfolio managers, analysts and other key employees (“Participants”), including vesting provisions designed to create long-term retention incentives; (iii) providing Managers, Investors and Participants on-line access to their accounts; (iv) enabling Managers and Partners to exercise their FAR®s on line or by contacting our Client Services Group (CSG); (v) enabling Investors to redeem their Shares on line or by contacting CSG; (vi) enabling Participants to make withdrawal elections on line or by contacting (CSG); and (vii) notifying Managers and Investors of exercises and redemptions.